Saturday 2 February 2013

Indian Weddings – You can’t miss them!

These two words ‘Indian Weddings’ have been dangling in my mind for quite some time now and I have comported to the simple fact that without being amiably cynical about the innumerable ceremonies, this dim-witted brain wouldn’t rest in peace. Oh no! Don’t make that already bored face for I am not going to delineate the whole process from arranging a suitable partner to faring the bride well.
It’s been quite some time that my college dispatched me for home and God’s grace delivered me safe to my place. Some questions are implied and their answers are more. What I am next planning to put forth is a question which might greet you with an impish smile on your face owing to its own tint of obviousness, but trust me, the answer will not be that straight forward! Why do people go home? Oh no! We have more than a dozen issues to chew our gums on and so we wouldn’t, precisely, list all the possible reasons. But let me add just one more to your drop down menu. To attend weddings. No, it’s not the wedding of your real brother or any other cousin that is being talked about here, just casual weddings. You grasp that? Weddings, which are very unfussy to us, but only theoretically.   

So, we are going to attend the wedding of some uncle’s daughter, who snubbed us as a kid, whose name we find hard to recall when asked by some other acquaintance, whose birth did not brighten us even 1% of how much the wedding does and who did not even choose to be a passive part of our lives until this day,  but ‘The Book on Social Relations’, without any relaxation, says, that if any person walks into your house to invite you with a white card in his hand, gaudily shouting the names of two more morons falling into the marriage pit, there is no reason why even one member of your house should stay back when the couple is being blessed out there, in an overpriced marriage garden. In a country like ours, where talking about the person gains precedence over talking to the person, happenings in the neighborhood are more significant additions to the knowledge than happenings in the family, and Sharma ji’s bahu fascinates us more than ours, there is very little thought left to be attended to, of whether or not to be present at the wedding ceremony. 

Now, one thing which is absolutely beyond the comprehensive capabilities of any human mind is, how can, possibly, the marriage of two people, comfortably unnoticed all this while, stir so much of gossip only from the point they decide to be life partners? You go to a foreign land. You won’t find them talking about you 24 hours a day because that’s just not the way they have been brought up! As effortless as that. But we Indians, yes each one of us, are so accustomed to chitchatting about the littlest of the most unfussy things that we often lose track of our own lives! This, anyway, is a different issue altogether to be dealt with, in a separate post. Here we were talking about the mystical ways in which weddings are Indianized solely by the people attending it, whom you only call for a supper or you think so. 

In every wedding, you are doomed to find a gaudy group of ladies, less interested in the current wedding, more in fixing yours. WHY? I ask, why? It is pretty hell to bypass this group, more so, if you have just crossed your teens. You gift them a respectable Namaste and You are next is your return gift. They expect you to blush for a while, fake of course, and then give your humble consent so that their eternal hunt for your soul-mate can make its way; and given the generation you are born in, more probable than not, you have given your consent to somebody already and so you just keep smiling like an absolute idiot! Well, that again, is a different track altogether irrelevant to the flow of ideas already trapped in here.

So, Aunties! These aunties already have some Mandawat’s or Verma’s son/daughter in their heads which they will, very subtly roll over the ongoing talks to put into your ears and trust me; they WILL make sure you sense the hint. And you always thought education brought in smartness, right? Now another thing which is carefully designed by them is, the filters. Filters, as in, the basis on which they selected 20 out of a whole blessed list of 100. You don’t know the 20, you didn’t know the 100 either! You see, the entire process has been on for quite some time. Now, just wait till the number drops down from 20 to 1. So, next time you are insistent upon proclaiming that nothing is free, make sure you exclude thoughts, imaginations and gossips. Not very surprisingly, the filter in my case turns out be height and of course, education for Engineering still is a degree for them! Amused?

Well, another attribute these days. As a sign of modernity, they will prefer recommending partners for you, especially male counterparts who reside in a foreign land or have spent good 3 4 years in there, pursuing a course. Ladka America me settled hai and then the smirk on the face as if that is the dead end to all the miseries in life. Aunty jee, that is not! But frankly enough, there lies no point in cribbing for you can’t really prevent someone from talking especially when he/she is advising you, for one thing and is 20-30 years elder, for another.

This looks long for one read, pretty that. On a very light note, so many noteworthy things go unnoticed for we have shut our hearts and brains to the many interpretations of one single gesture or even a remark, maybe.
Even if you are associated in the least possible sense to a wedding, you can still have a pretty good time only by observing people. A laugh doesn’t ask for more.

Many more appealing facts wait to be interpreted a bit differently only to make the atmosphere light. But as of now, what looks good is a well deserved break to the post.

Keep attending weddings.
‘Coz that’s precisely all, you are in India for!

Feb 3, 2013